.::LiNk ThiZ::. HaRdRoCk fm Games My NeO TiMe FRiEnDsTeR FoRuM KaFeGauL SMS 1rstwap WeBLoG aWaRdS KLaProject LyRiCs |
.::FRieNdsz LiNk::. ++RiZ`Q++ ++tutiW++ ++NuNiQuE++ ++uDHieN++ ++PaNda_CeRia++ ++DiNo++ ++eNVi++ ++nasgorkam++ ::ThE SpeCiaL PeRSoN:: ...mY BeLoVeD GuY...
.::mY muSiC::. ::Breath uR NaMe:: 6Pence None tHe RicheR / ::i'm WitH You:: AvRiL LaVigNe / ::Terkenang :: KLa Project / ::Blurry:: Puddle of Mud / ::iRis:: Goo Goo Dols /::Semua Tak Sama:: Padi / :: I Couldnt ask 4 More:: Edwin Mccain / ::Tak Sebebas Merpati:: Kahitna / ::Till Death Do Us Part:: White Lion / This is my blogchalk: Indonesia, DKI Jakarta, Indonesian, English, FeBRiNa, Female, 21-25, Music, Internet.
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oF tHe daY::.. |
mardi, avril 13, 2004 |
QuoTe of d DaY...
Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him."
posted by F-bRi at
7:36 AM
When We Risk It All
We can't blame others when love dwindles away - For we knew from the start it never promised to stay. It's just one of those things were the stakes are high - And sometimes it's forever, and sometimes it's good-bye. When you love the right way, you will never lose - No matter what path life may force you to choose. You may end up with tears, or a broken heart - But you knew what you signed up for from the start. You can only give what you've got to give - And if that's not enough, then you must continue to live. Life will go on and broken hearts will heal - You must continue on your quest, for that's the deal. Throw your heart into life, and never stall - For the greatest risk is to risk nothing at all. You see, love is the only thing that we know - That can be divided and divided but continue to grow. And life isn't long enough to lock away our heart - Just because life may have forced two people apart. We will continue to love and continue to lose - We will continue to pick and continue to choose. And then one day we will just risk it all - Take the chains off our hearts and dismantle the wall. The last time we love will be the forever - And never again will our hearts be forced to sever. We'll never have doubts that it'll go away - Because this time, it'll be here to stay. But until then we must endure all the pain - For we only see sunshine if we can wait through the rain.
posted by F-bRi at
7:31 AM
samedi, avril 03, 2004 |
hai GuyZ..... pa kabar..?? duh udah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget gak pernah cerita² disini *pasang muka gak berdosa* hehe... maaf yah !! soalnya emang belakangan ini kok malesss banget nge`bLoG, gak tau yah napa... sayang juga nih gak keurus !!
sekarang mo cerita juga mo cerita apa yah ?? abisan udah banyak absennya niy... hm...*thinking* ugh!bener2 binun mo cerita apa..hiks =( yg pasti gw absen disini karena emang kemarin2 ini jarang banget nge-net. baru aja aktif lagi beberapa minggu. paling klo nge-net cuman cek imel. ohiya..almost forgot... pasti kalian udah pada join FRIENDSTER kaan..?? kalau mau add saya yah.. hehe nick gw 'FEBRI' n my email add v_e12@yahoo.com syapa tau ada yg berminat =D tadinya siy pengen change layout my blogga.. tapi ide`nya mamped abizzz ... ada yg mo jd sukarelawan u/nolongin saya?? heheh.. maunya tuuuhhhh kalau hari ini siy, tadi siang gw abis ngerayain ultah ponakan gw yg namanya MAUDY. udah 6 taon umurna, gak kerasa udah gedeeeee spt badannya yg bongsor abizzz! bayangin aja, baru TK berat badannya sudah mencapai 30kg dengan suksesnya !!! kalah deh gw... *jadi malu ama gw yg kurus* emang gizi anak2 skrg beda sama kita yg dulu.. kasyan deh kita!! eh kita apa gw yahhh =p~ rame banget yg dateng ... ada kali 100 org`an... wiiihhhhh ampe puyeng ngeliatnya seneng juga bisa reuni kecil²an ama sodara²... abisan emang jarang lah ngumpul kalo lg gak ada acara. ada plan siy senin besok abis nyoblos kita² pd mo jalan.. blom tau mo kemana. @ least bisa have fun bareng ajah udah seneng. hhmm sbny ada siy keluh kesah yg bikin gw sedih... udah 2 mgg ini gw ke`ilangan sahabat gw... bukan krn dia gone 2 heaven.. nope !! gw putus tali persahabatan sama dia.. gak tau deh knp, pdhal gw lbh seneng bisa diselesai`in baek2. masalahnya gak gede2 bgt, tp gak tau kenapa kok jadi besarr. dan gw paling gak suka ribut2. gw tuh temenan ama dia sejak thn 99. tapi kaya udah temenan lamaaaaaaaaaa banget. dia temen kuliah gw waktu di Inter Studi. n everyday kita selalu jalan bareng. ke kampus, hang out sampe nginep2 . dan itu terjadi hampir setiap minggu. segala kejelekan dia dan gw udah tau.... pokoknya gak ada lagi yg di tutup2in. gw udah anggap dia sbg sodara gw.. tapi kenapa jadi berantakan gini yahhh !!! gw gak tau dimana letak kesalahan sampe jd ribut dan berantem hebat. yahh.. moga2 aja seiring dgn jalannya waktu semua ini bisa cepet selesai. tp kemungkinannya emang kecil. ya udahlah mo diapain lagi...??? panjang yah ceritanya .... ya udah deh.. ini dulu untuk skrg. besok klo sempet gw curhat lagi.. abisan skrg udah malem. eh malming yah skrg?? uhuuyyyy ... uhuy ape?? wong gw jg gak tau mo jalan kemana.. hehe :D have a nice wiken guyz... c ya arround take care there
posted by F-bRi at
5:25 AM
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